TED Northern Cyprus College, the first educational institution of the Turkish Education Association abroad, began education in kindergarten, primary and secondary school levels in 2010-2011 academic year. TED Northern Cyprus College High School started its activities in the 2013-2014 academic year and celebrated its first graduates in the 2016-2017 academic year.

TED Northern Cyprus College includes 16.500 square meters of enclosed area on a 30-acre campus. With its physical structure and technological equipment, the school primarily provides a safe learning environment to support and encourage students' mental, emotional, physical and social development.
The campus operates with a capacity of 120 students in kindergarten building, 360 students in primary school building, 216 students in secondary school building, 384 students in high school building, indoor sports complex, refectory building, outdoor play and sports areas, administrative building, teacher housing. All classrooms have computers, projectors and internet connection, and electronic classrooms have smart boards.

TED Northern Cyprus College, which has the mission and vision of the Turkish Education Association aiming to increase the quality in education and training, aims to educate individuals with contemporary educational approaches to think freely and critically, act productively, with the power of scientific thinking, have high self-confidence, caring and mindful to their environment and possess the qualities of being a "World Citizen".


 Mission and Vision

At Ted Northern Cyprus College, we work hard to equip our students to handle various challenging situations in our dynamic world. We equip them with attributes that generate critical thinking skills and guide them to communicate on every level and environment. We steer them to develop with an open mind, principled character, and fairness. By propping them with skills to collect and reflect knowledge, we trigger merits that will help them tackle every present and future obstacle.

Furthermore, through a richer and more comprehensive educational experience, we transfuse ethical values and spark awareness of social, cultural, environmental, and global issues. In a world where our country and community are still not recognized, we aim to raise young adults who are aware of their potential as productive, balanced, and effective members.

Equipped with these merits, our students will contribute positively to finding their places in this challenging world and will compete as global citizens to make the world more peaceful and just.